Performance-Based Design
Sometimes, your project vision just doesn't fit within the prescriptive requirements of the building and fire codes. Fortunately, these codes also allow for the use of performance-based design approaches to meet the spirit and intent of the requirements.
Egress ModellingDo you need to justify an increased travel distance in your design? Or perhaps higher occupant loads than the code normally allows? We can provide an evacuation modelling analysis for part or all of your project to pursue these approach.
Smoke Control System SizingDoes your building have an atrium? Or some other form of active smoke control system? If so, we can determine the required capacity of the smoke control system. Our work includes the required rational analysis report to satisfy the requirements of IBC Section 909, and often reduce the fan and duct sizing below what hand calculation results would require.
Fire ModellingEgress and fire modelling are often coupled together, with the fire modelling portion of the analysis demonstrating when a space is no longer tenable for human occupancy. We utilize the latest fire modelling software to estimate when a building space becomes untenable.
Stair Pressurization System SizingIf your building design includes stair pressurization systems, we can pressurization modelling software to provide the required rational analysis report to satisfy the requirements of IBC Section 909, and often reduce the fan and duct sizing below what hand calculation results would require.