Help! My Jurisdiction Requires a Fire and Life Safety Design Evaluation (FLSDE)
Picture’re just about to submit your plans for permitting and you discover that you may need a Fire and Life Safety Design Evaluation (FLSDE) to meet local AHJ requirements. Panic sets in and you have so many questions.
We are so glad you asked.
Campbell Code Consulting can produce the FLSDE report for you! We work on numerous projects in Maryland, including projects in the City of Baltimore, where an FLSDE may be required. In addition to providing an overview of the FLSDE, this article will help you determine when you need a FPEDE in the City of Baltimore, who can produce the report and how to submit it.
- What is a FLSDE?
- How do I get it done?
- Who can get it done for me?
- How does it impact my project?
We are so glad you asked.
Campbell Code Consulting can produce the FLSDE report for you! We work on numerous projects in Maryland, including projects in the City of Baltimore, where an FLSDE may be required. In addition to providing an overview of the FLSDE, this article will help you determine when you need a FPEDE in the City of Baltimore, who can produce the report and how to submit it.
What is a Fire and Life Safety Design Evaluation (FSLDE)?
A Fire and Life Safety Design Evaluation (FLSDE) is a review of a building design for compliance with the applicable fire protection and life safety requirements of the Baltimore City Building, Fire and Related Codes. Specifically, the FLSDE evaluates the following:
- Applicable State and local Building, Fire, and Related Codes standards and amendments,
- Designated Use Group Classifications of all spaces,
- Building construction type and fire-resistance rating requirements for building elements,
- General building height and area,
- Required fire and smoke protection features,
- Occupant load calculations and egress capacity and travel distance analysis,
- Analysis of interior finishes,
- Required fire protection systems, including automatic sprinklers, standpipes, fire alarms, smoke detection systems, heat detection systems, smoke control measures, emergency responder radio coverage systems, portable fire extinguishers, and any additional required fire protection systems, where applicable,
- Fire hydrant locations, Fire Department connection locations, and fire apparatus access roads, where applicable,
- Emergency lighting, exit signage, and emergency power systems,
- As applicable, the requirements of Chapter 4 "Special Detailed Requirements Based on Use and Occupancy" of the Baltimore City Building Code.
When is a Fire and Life Safety Design Evaluation (FLSDE) Required?
Per Section of the Baltimore City Fire Code, an FLSDE is required for the following situations:
Link: 2024 Building, Fire and Related Codes of Baltimore City
- A new high-rise building, a change of use to an existing high-rise building, or a level III alteration to an existing high-rise building,
- Use group A, an assembly building, with an occupant load of 1,000 persons or more for a new building, an addition to an existing assembly building, or an occupancy change of a building to an assembly occupant type with an occupant load of 1,000 persons,
- Use group H, High Hazard,
- Use groups I-2 and I-3, Institutional,
- All new use groups R-1 and R-2,
- Any use group when deemed necessary by the Fire Code Official due to complexity or scope of the design,
- Any submission for any use and occupancy group determined by the Fire Code Official to be deficient in the required information for adequate review,
- Any automatic fire suppression, fire detection, fire alarm, or smoke management system shop drawings as may be required the Fire Code Official.
Link: 2024 Building, Fire and Related Codes of Baltimore City
Qualifications of Fire and Life Safety Design Evaluation (FLSDE) Preparer
The third party preparer of the FLSDE must meet one of the following requirements:
- A Bachelor of Science degree in Fire Protection Engineering from university accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, certification in fire protection plan review from a major model code organization, and 2 years of professional experience in the review and evaluation of buildings and fire protection systems for code compliance, or
- Certification in fire protection plan review from a major model code organization and 5 years of professional experience in the review and evaluation of buildings and fire protection systems for code compliance.
Need a Fire Protection Design Evaluation?
Campbell Code Consulting is qualified and ready to help! Our principal, Chris Campbell, has a Bachelors and Masters in Fire Protection Engineering from the University of Maryland, and is a registered fire protection engineer in Maryland, making us qualified to prepare the FLSDE report. In addition, Campbell Code Consulting specializes in helping design teams navigate the building code and fire/life safety portions of the permit review process. We assist our clients in developing code-compliant designs and obtaining building permits.
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Email [email protected] or click the contact form below to get in touch with us!